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Django Scripts Tracker

An unofficial Django utility tool that tracks management scripts execution.

What does it mean “to track script execution”?

Scripts tracker watches scripts located in your_app/management/commands directory and just after you pull some new code and apply its migrations - you will get notified about new (or modified) scripts that should be applied for the project to work properly.

Script dependencies

Furthermore scripts tracker enables ensuring proper order of scripts execution through defining their “required preceeding scripts” (aka dependencies).

Quick feature preview

Step 1: When you create a new management script, decorate handle() method with @tracked_script decorator and push it to repository:

class Command(BaseCommand):
    help = 'Some sample script help text'

    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        # (...)

Step 2: Anyone who pulls your changes and runs migrations, will get a notification message that there is a new script to be applied:

$ python migrate
Running migrations:
Checking management scripts:
  You have 1 new and 0 modified management scripts to be applied.
New scripts (1):
    Some sample script help text


  1. Install the app using pip package manager::

     pip install django-scripts-tracker
  2. Add django_scripts_tracker to your INSTALLED_APPS setting:

     # your_app/
         # (...)
  3. Run migrations in order to create tracker models::

     python migrate
  4. Configure directories that should be scanned for management scripts:

     # your_app/


How to add a new tracked script?

  1. Create a new management script under a tracked (...)/management/commands/ directory (tracked directories are defined in COMMANDS_DIRS).

  2. Decorate either handle() or handle_noargs() Command method with a @tracked_script decorator.

  3. Make sure that the created script file is not ingored and is within a tracked directory.

How to check if there are unapplied scripts?

Script checking process takes place every time you perform DB migrations, but you can also invoke it manually:

python check_scripts

How to mark scripts as “applied” ones?

Scripts are automatically marked as applied ones just after their execution.

If there are some scripts that have already been applied but the tracker lists them - it is possible to mark them manually as applied ones.

To mark scripts as “applied” ones type in the following command:

python check_scripts --mark-all-applied

How to ensure proper scripts execution order?

If there are some scripts that must be executed in a specific order - one after another, you may decorate their handle() or handle_noargs() with @required_preceding_script decorator.

Following sample script would require execution of two preceding scripts:

from import admin_script_1, admin_script_2
from scripts_tracker.dependency_tracker import required_preceding_script
class Command(BaseCommand):
    help = 'This is some help'
    @required_preceding_script(admin_script_1, admin_script_2)
    def handle(self, **options):
        # (...)

Note that:


There are few tracker constants that you might want to override in your project’s file:

Python and Django compatibility

The app has been written to support Python 2.7.x and Python 3.x
It has been successfully tested on Python 2.7.17 and 3.6.2

The app has been written to support Django 1.7+
It has been successfully tested on Django 1.7.11, 1.8.18 and 1.11.11


Krzysztof Falcman